Some Facts about my life and the dedication of my Artworks (Autobiography)
To begin, first of all, I am a poly-mathematician with a BA degree in Applied Mathematics and Engineering. I love to solve puzzles and to make things work regardless of the item's identity classifications. I could recall that, when I was at a young age, I had always breg my parents to buy me word puzzles and I was extremely good at board games. But I was never in a place where I could socially make a lot of friends for I came from a very strict family background. As from my growing up, life remained to be very simple for me but it wasn't easy because I have to face "the reality" by going to work and paying off my college and university debt. There were many challenges and, meticulously, as more work piling up my shoulders, the more time I have willingly had to spend on the back-end management as well as acquisition. My life's path didn't go as smooth as it could have become because, many times, I was forced to not being able to keep up with my love of Art and Math. All I could think about at present moment was getting myself a 24 hrs job and thinking about how would I be able to survive. From all of the hardships I had gone through, what I had struggling the most was how I could be able to keep doing what I loved and what I was always passionate about. Moreover, there were moments that I felt it was impossible to keep up with my Arts and I could potentially forced to give up from what I had built in my life...and this had lasted for almost a decade long! Yet, as I had fought to keep drawing by not giving it up, I knew one day I will reap the success that I have sown. And so, life went on for me for I have never had the chance to look back at life and thinking about that I wanted to make a switch in my life. And, of course, I continued to do what I was passionate about even until the present moment of where I am at...!
Secondly, as for me in my art career journey, I want to make it very clear to both my fans and my customers that I would never "cheat" in making all of my artworks to become finalized and preparing them to be legitimately published. Most of my artworks have been spent tons of time and hours for them to be crafted and sculpted from every single day's work and dedication. Furthermore, most of the drawings of my artworks are "free" from the duplication of artificial intelligence (AI) programs; however, some of my artworks do contain a bit of "after-effects" that has been formulated by the use of Photoshop and the artworks were created in such a way that is for them to being viewed from a different perspective and from an unique way. Moreover, now-a-days, most of the artists out there are familiar with the use of "AI" technology, but, in my opinion, I think a true art is still being defined by the use of the original methods whether it is done by manual or digital. This is how and is also the way I define real artworks...!
As a result, I want to make all my artworks sincere and genuine to my audience and, even so, I want to make all my artworks to last with a perpetual impression leaving my audience with an unique sense of feeling.